Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Around the World in 24 Books!

I have always been fond of reading, right from childhood. I still have a huge collection of Gokulams and Tinkles back at home. I eagerly wait for dad to get the monthly editions and spend away the weekends reading! At school, we were allowed to borrow books and take them home to read after 5th grade. I read almost all editions of Famous Five and Enid Blyton classics. Then I moved onto Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys.. Even during my college days, we had fun reading and exchanging Sidney Sheldons, Agatha Christie and other classics in our hostel. Those were fun days!

Lately, with the advent of the use of internet and social networking sites, my reading habit has waned down a bit. I read sporadically, few books a year. My reading habits have evolved over the years. I would like to start reading all over again and dive into the endless world of books!

I happened to find a website called Goodreads. The website keeps track of what you read and what you like and gives recommendations on what to read. I found a very interesting community - A 2012 Challenge - Around the World in 52 books. The challenge is to pick 52 countries and an author and a book from each. You could set your own rules and start reading at your own pace. I did not want to be too ambitious and finally give up. So I have set myself of reading atleast 24 books next year - 2 books a month.

Here is the list of books I plan to read from the countries I have selected. I also plan to post my reviews after I read each book.

Afghanistan - The Swallows of Kabul
Australia - The Man Who Loved Children
Brazil - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Burma - The Forgotten Highlander
China - The Foremost Good Fortune
Denmark - Music and Silence
Ethiopia - Sweetness in the Belly
Hungary - The Invisible Bridge
India - In the Convent of Little Flowers
Iran - Reading Lolita in Tehran
Israel - A Tale of Love and Darkness
Japan - Kitchen
Mauritius - Wandering Star
Norway - Sophie's World
Pacific Islands - Mister Pip
Pakistan - Burnt Shadows
Poland - The Street of Crocodiles
Russian Federation - The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine
South Africa - Agaat
South America - Bel Canto
Srilanka - Anil's Ghost
Turkey - Birds Without Wings
Vietnam - The Lotus Eaters
Zimbabwe - The Boy Next Door 

Hope everyone had a good 2011 and wishing all a very happy New Year!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Our Breakfast today!

Our typical weekday breakfast!
Scrambled eggs with vegetables, potatoes, sliced avocados, toast with butter and tea!

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